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Fire Starting with a Pocketknife, Flint, and Charcloth

Great video by Scott for the Living History School in Oregon

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Comment by Ryan Hunt on October 27, 2010 at 5:57
@Terry John is absolutely right and I use similar things as firestarters myself. What John is referring to I generally call a firesteel or ferrocium rod, its a manmade composition that produces a shower of very hot sparks consistently. Whats used in the video, and what I usually call "flint", is the naturally occurring stone that is produced in pockets in limestone. Here is a discussion by Martin and another by myself on the topic if you were interested

Comment by John Humphris on October 25, 2010 at 20:00
Hi Terry
I use a magnesium block with a flint down the side that is available in many sport shops. I think the NZ Mountain Safety council has some flint sticks. I have foundthe piece of hacksaw blade that comes with many of the cheap versons is useless and the back of a good knive is excellent - I usually hone the back of my knives as the sharp corner has many uses including striking a spark. I also carry in my survival kit some cotton wool soaked in wax - tear the cotton wool/wax which leaves cotton fibres along the tear which usually catch a spark first time. The cotton acts as the wick and the wax burns for some time depending on the size of the piece torn off. Unfortunately even though soaked in meltes wax if the cotton is exposed it will soal the water all through the cotton wool - say if it is submerged while river crossing. I have some marble sized pieces that I have repeatedly dipped to seal the outside for my survival kit - emergency use only. I also use the flint to light my gas or meths cooker. Be careful to strike the spark to the side of a gas burner as if the spark goes in through the burner port it will ignite the gas inside the burner and you will have to turn it off and try again.
The flint and wax firelighting is awesome to let children have a go (cub scouts for e.g.) although it may be cheating the enjoyment once they can stike a spark onto the cotton wool and light a fire is worth the little cheat. I have a mate who saw my cotton/wax and he has made similar from egg cartons which he lights with a match or lighter.

Comment by Terry Smith on October 21, 2010 at 7:26
Hi All
lol sweet were do you get flint from in nz

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