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Hi everyone, as a first time knife maker (well, planning to be) I thought it'd be best to turn to the forums for help on a couple of issues.

I've been searching high and low for NZ distributors of D2 steel flats but have had quite a bit of trouble trying to find one that'll create a piece to around these dimensions: 5cm width, 22cm length and 0.3cm thickness. Does anyone here have any recomendations for a company to order a cut of steel alike to this one (preferablyt that they've ordered off before)?

Also, what are peoples opinions of taking the Barrytown Knife Making course (http://barrytownknifemaking.com/) to gain a grounding in knife making before I begin creating my own custom one?

Any feedback is appreciated and cheers in advance.

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I've seen a lot of great knives made from old files and saw blades. A new one probably won't hold an edge very well.

Hi Angus just stumbled on this, don't know if you are still looking but I've used these guys for a while and they are OK http://www.ssm.co.nz/. I believe they do heat treating too although I've never used them for that.
Alternately if you want just a single piece of steel a US company like Jantz or USA Knifemaker are good options. With the current exchange rate it doesn't work out too much more than buying here and you get more options of steel types and sizes.
I was selling at a craft show last weekend and was talking to a couple about the Barrytown experience. Seems they enjoyed it so might be worth a look.
If this is going to be your first blade can I suggest you try 01 or 1095, particularly if you intend to heat treat them yourself. D2 needs proper heat treatment at reasonably high temperatures to get the best out of it but if you were going to get someone else to do that then its not a prob.
Good luck be keen to see the finished knife.


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