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I'm not really sure how to start, as I'm terrible at introductions.

I love Bushcraft, and I've always been disappointed by the lack of books and websites about NZ Bushcraft. It's always American and English! So I was really pleased to find this website.

At the moment I'm making my own Bushcraft knife, because most good Bushcraft knives are a bit expensive, especially shipping. It'll probably turn out rubbish, and I'll end up buying one anyway, but I might as well try. I'm trying to find some good books about NZ edible plants, and useful trees, so any book recommendations are welcome.

I guess I'll see you around!          

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A field guide to the native edible plants of New Zealand

This is on the home page at the top.

I don't own it yet but plan to. I havd a look at a friends copy and the pictures are very clear and it contains good information.

I recommend it.


As for the knife, good on ya! I have been messing around with knives for a while and the more you do the more you learn.


I have only seen that once in a book store in Hokitika.

I've ordered that book from the library, and if it's really good I probably will buy it.

With the knife, the thing that's really trying my patience is hand filing the bevel! It's taking forever, and I'm not a very patient person unfortunately. 

LOL same here, I attacked my last one with a grinder and buggered the temper, I hope to have a crack at fixing it once I have made my forge.


Hi Joe,

thanks, the books sound promising! I'm attempting to make a knife out of an old file, but if that doesn't work out I'll try the leaf spring. But first I'll have to find out what it is!

The people of Nepal make kukris for the Ghurkas and for everyday use as well from old truck springs.


They have it down to a fine art. I bought serveral from some Ghurkas who were over training here at Waiouru  in the 90s, some were really good and held an edge, two were a bit soft, I sold them.

It would be great if someone held a basic knife workshop sometime, I would be keen as.

Another knife you might like to try is a survival knife made from a reciprocating saw blade.

Thinner and won't take as long to file to shape. If you know any builders they are sure to have some worn out ones lying around, or just buy new for a few dollars

Leave the saw teeth on for a back of knife blade and file the cutting edge on the blank side.

check this site for more:  http://www.m4040.com/Survival/DollarSurvivalKnife/Dollar_Survival_K...

This guy is brilliant!

Those kurkis look wicked! 

I'll have to try that saw blade knife sometime, maybe make a small whittling knife. A knife workshop would be great.


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