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I found this site via a newspaper article and thought it could be pretty cool.
I've been into the outdoors for a while. Hunting, tramping, climbing, 4x4ing etc. Trekking in nepal a couple years ago and going to Antarctica the summer just gone with a research team are the highlights of the trips I've done.
I've been instructing climbing and ropework for 5 or so years now. Have done quite a lot of bushwork, survival and tracking stuff with my sar group (joined maybe 5 years ago now) and been leading groups in the outdoors as a result.
One thing I have zero knowledge on is plant id haha.
I'm always learning new stuff even with my experience which is cool and this site is just another means to do that. Teaching others what I know is always cool to so I'll try and contribute a bit when I'm not on the 4x4 forums haha.


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Cheers for that Doug nice to meet ya! Great to have you on board. I would love to go to Antarctica one day it must have been amazing
Yeah I was only down for a month but it was still awesome. I was based in the dry valleys so did a lot of walking for sampling.
I stuck a few cool photos on the thread below
Great photos! If you have time pop a few up in the photos section, or even write a post (hover over the blogs tab for details). I'm sure the other members would be keen to check them out too.

Welcome- good to have you on board- sounds like you have a lot of cool experience!


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