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Hi all.


I'm a 17 year old who is keen to learn more about bushcraft. I'm not very experienced but very keen to learn. I have my firearms licence but i'm not a very successful hunter, and enjoy walking. I have a bach in the Marlborough sounds and have spent a few hours walking through the bush with a friend to get from Kenepuru Sound to Queen Charlotte Sound and back which was awesome, especially when the people at the random bach we ended up at fed us and told us we wouldn't make it if we went back the way we came!

Anyway, I'm keen to have some more adventures like that so i was wondering whether anybody runs events were I can spend some time in the bush learning these skills?

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Hey Simon, thanks for sharing a little about yourself!

We are still working on getting some events up and going in your area, but until that happens have a good look around the site, watch some videos and read over the forum and blog posts.

Join some of the Groups to get more specialist info and join the BushcraftNZ library and I can send you some books to read up on.

If you have any questions the forum is a great place to ask them, start a discussion and tap into the experience of the whole group!


Hi Simon, I was in the process of organising a meet and greet BBQ in Christchurch, up until the second quake hit and put a stop to it. I wish to organise one still and as soon as I get myself sorted I will. You may want to join the Christchurch group as well. Other than us, I have no idea of any courses as such. There is a massive amount of videos and such on You Tube, also look up 'Woodsmaster' on certain sites not viewed by the movie world as being good to their incomes, and he has some great survival vids. The amount of downloadable books available on Bushcraft sites like 'Bushcraftusa' is huge, specifically look for "the ten bushcraft books' by Richard Graves and that will send you off to a good start. The library on here has some books available to loan as well. If you have any difficulty I can send you copies of the books I have managed to download. Anyway good to see you joining up and get into it.
Meet and greet attempt being made on the 25th of June at my place, look under events.


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